Why Family Dentistry is Important

Dr. Boisson has been practicing family dentistry in Grande Prairie for almost 30 years. And over the years, the father and son team has seen many Grande Prairie families grow up.
Is there a benefit to having a dedicated family dentist? Absolutely! When you find a dentist who you feel comfortable with, that trust-building goes a long way to boost your dental health.
A family dentist will provide all of the services that provide well-rounded oral health care for all age ranges.
Is Family Dentistry Only For Families?
Not at all! Family dentistry is for everyone! The main difference between general and family dentistry is the age range served. When you choose a family dentist, they are likely to treat patients of all ages. Here in Grande Prairie, family dentists see a wide range of patients. A child’s first dental visit, for example, will likely happen at a family or pediatric dentist who also treats their parent or guardian. What other reasons might you have for choosing a family dentist?
Alleviate Dental Anxiety With A Family Dentist
Dentophobia is real. Some folks are so fearful of dental work that they avoid it entirely. This is the worst thing that you can do if you’re dentophobic since it is likely to lead to serious issues.
Cavities, tooth decay, missing teeth, and other issues associated with improper dental care require far more invasive remedies than the biannual hygiene appointments that can help to prevent them.
Dental anxiety is far less severe than full-blown dentophobia, but the results can be the same if it gets in the way of regular appointments.
Having a family dentist can go a long way in helping to combat dental anxiety and dentophobia. When your dentist sees you and your family members every six months for over thirty years, they get to know you pretty well! When you find a family dentist you trust and like, visiting them becomes far less stressful.
For younger patients, dental anxiety is quite common. So arranging for dental visits together as a family can go a long way in eliminating their anxiety. Indeed, the sooner a young patient has a positive dental experience, the more likely they are to look forward to dental visits in the future. Especially with young children, if they see that dental hygiene is important to their parents, they are more likely to follow and form the habit in adulthood. Having a family dentist helps to reinforce these good habits.
Family Dentistry is Convenient
Whether you are single or a member of a large family, family dentistry is convenient. With a large family, you have people at different stages of their oral health journey. Being able to take all of your family members to the same dental office can greatly simplify scheduling. Instead of taking one child to the pediatric dentist for a checkup, you can take them along with you for your hygiene appointment.
When you move from dentist to dentist, intake can take up some time. Receiving paperwork from your previous oral health practitioners and current insurance providers is an administrative task you don’t have to worry about when you have a lifelong family dentist. Returning to the same family dentist every six months means you don’t have to go through the intake process ever again, saving you time and effort.
Your Family Dentist Knows You
Certainly, a lifelong family dentist has the added benefit of knowing your full medical history. While any dentist will have this information on file, a family dentist will have received this information in real time. They will see how changes in your health have impacted your well-being and can deliver a higher level of care using this first-hand experience.
This first-hand experience deepens the trust between yourself and your dentist. And this goes a long way, whether you have a family or not.
And You Know Your Family Dentist!
Not all dentists are the same, even though many offer the same services. Ultimately, selecting a lifelong family dentist comes down to personality and treatment style. Once you have visited your family dentist several times, you get to know these pretty well. This is a great benefit because you will know what to expect every time you come in. And if you have children, this benefit carries over, especially if they have their first dental visit with the same family dentist. This familiarity reduces feelings of anxiety around dental work. When you know that your family dentist is mindful and gentle, you won’t waste precious time leading up to your appointments feeling concerned and anxious.
Peace Of Mind With a Family Dentist
Emergency dentistry is not a regular service, but when you need it, you need it to be quick and reliable. Dr. Boisson’s Grande Prairie Family Dentistry practice has seen many dental emergencies over the years. Long-term patients appreciate the speedy, seamless treatment they receive when a tooth is chipped or a filling is lost. Learn more about dental emergencies here:
Family Dentistry: Comfort, Convenience, and Consistency
Whether you’re part of a big family, coupled-up, or single, family dentistry can offer the dental services and convenience you need. Visiting the same dentist twice a year will give you the benefit of reduced dental anxiety, comfort, and peace of mind. You’ll enjoy coming back to a familiar office where the staff is invested in your satisfaction and well-being.
At Boisson Dental Group, Family Dentist Grande Prairie, we are always welcoming new patients to our dental family!
Get in touch anytime to learn more about our practice and services:
☎️ 587-771-7668