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EMG – Electromyography

EMG – Electromyography or “Electronic Muscle Graphing” is a pain free and non-invasive tool we use to objectively measure how your jaw muscles are resting, clenching, chewing and swallowing. The teeth and muscles work together and impact each other. We can use it to check the balance of your muscle function and assess the impact on your muscles before, during and after any treatment that may change the way they rest and function.

MLS Laser

“MLS Warm Laser Technology” Our office uses MLS Laser Therapy, a revolutionary system that has been shown to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing DRUG-FREE! This laser is the pride and joy of our office. Almost everything a Dentist treats is either painful, or inflammatory, and some procedures require rapid healing. This laser causes no pain, and works immediately on your pain and inflammation to make you feel like you didn’t even go to the dentist, as soon as possible!


The Jaw tracker was designed to provide incredibly accurate measurements in mandibular movement, position and speed. Lightweight aerospace materials and both mechanical and electrical computer aided design have perfected this precision instrument. The use of a sensor array which is extremely accurate will provide quantitative, reproducible data about jaw deviations, deflections, and range of motion with incredible accuracy, which allows dentists unparalleled analysis of mandibular function.


The M-Scan is a fast and simple device that measures the function of your facial muscles. This little device provides extremely easy to interpret data on muscle function. We can use it to quickly compare bilateral muscles for symmetry and function without any pain. The M-Scan also helps us check the impact of your oral appliance or dental treatment.


Safe, simple, and low-cost the QuadraTENS is a medical-grade alternative to narcotic drugs for managing orofacial pain. Patches placed over the facial nerves that control muscle contraction, provide gentle stimulation to improve blood flow to tired achy muscles, and help facilitate relaxation. We can provide this therapy in office or you can rent or buy a TENS unit for therapy at home in between office visits. The QuadraTENS does require a prescription from the doctor.

T-Scan Occlusal Analysis

Many dental procedures can change the way you bite. Fillings, crowns, bridges, extractions, and orthodontics as well as many more. For over 100 years dentists have relied on paper covered in ink to see where the upper and lower teeth contact. But this old technique gives no information on the force, timing, and balance of your bite. And that’s exactly what makes you feel your bite is “off”. We use the T-Scan NOVUS system that displays all this information on a computer so that your dentist can use it to get your bite right, with minimal tooth loss from guessing. So that you aren’t subjected to the time and expense of unnecessary office visits.